We are expecting different types of presentation proposals:
▸ Hot testing topics for a 20 minute presentation. Does your company has some great insight to share? Want to talk about this unbelievable trajectory that we can all learn from? Or perhaps you have a new tool or approach?
▸ Overviews of publicly funded research projects on software testing. Present what is being researched in the area of software testing in Europe in your project in a 15 minute presentation.
▸ Industry meets academia 5 minutes pitches. Tell in 5 minutes how your academic research results can help companies solve some testing problem.
▸ Academia meets industry 5 minutes pitches. Tell in 5 minutes what the testing challenges are that your companies are facing and that you want industry to solve.
▸ Bachelor, master or PhD thesis work on software testing, telling about your thesis in 10 minutes.
If you don’t want to present your work in a session, you can propose a poster. The accepted posters should be printed in A0 and shown at the foyer where the coffee and lunch is served during breaks. Part of the presentation proposals might be invited as a poster.
The demos are for showing concrete examples of testing, for example tooling. The demos are shown at the foyer where the coffee and lunch is served during breaks.
Use the form below. Please note the deadline of July 5th, 2018!